100 days of Collagen: Organika Product Review

100 days of Collagen: Organika Product Review

I have had two babies and, somewhere between the stretch marks and the sleep deprivation, they also gave me acne. I didn’t even know that was something that pregnancies could give you.

Ask my high school class; it was hate-able how few teenage breakouts I had. Next to none. I never bought concealer or had a zit cream – until my late twenties, post babies. 

And then I heard of collagen. I did a little Google of research and figured I would give it a try. I would take pictures so I could compare the results and, after 100 days, if the differences were negligible, then I would quit.

Spoiler Alert: I’m never quitting.

I bought the Organika Collagen from Costco. I got it in the warehouse for $49.99 for 100 days supply. This is not an ad or sponsored but even if it was I will always be honest! I bought the product and consumed it per package instructions. I chose this one because it was conveniently located at Costco and had good reviews on their website.

I drink an oatmeal smoothie for breakfast everyday so adding collagen to it was easy and it disappeared into the shake. I did drink it in coffee a handful of times when I was travelling, the taste was minimal. If you don’t mix it thoroughly you will have chewy lumps that kinda taste beefy. Personally, I have no complaints. It mixed well and has minimal to no taste at all.

My Photo Journey

Apologies for the blurry photo, but here is me before collagen. My skin was so bad, I rushed to take it and quickly threw on some make up after. I had multiple hot spots for acne and my hair was dry and fragile and I was uncomfortable in my own skin.

After only two weeks, I am seeing results. I didn’t really expect results that quickly and yet my skin is significantly clearer.

This is approximately 50 days in. My skin is clearer! It’s not airbrushed smooth, but I can live with that. My hair is healthier, it’s still dry but not as fragile. Which I’m not entirely sure that is collagen related, since that would really only affect new hair growth. Right? Anyway, I’m thrilled!

90 Days and I feel the results are even more significant. My hair is nicer, my nails are stronger, and my skin is so much clearer. I still get acne, but I get one zit instead of 15. I still have some texture on my cheeks, but I don’t need to look like an airbrushed model.


I will take collagen for the rest of my life. I will probably stick with the Organika brand because I shop a lot at Costco which makes it accessible for me. I didn’t change anything else intentionally. Just added collagen to my diet, and I am confident that I am seeing results.

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